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If you were unable to attend the Celebration of Survivorship,
you can watch the recording of the evening on our YouTube channel.

Please view our digital journal for the evening.

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Breast Cancer Survivor and Advocate
Diagnosed 2020


Danielle Gaudio-Lalehzar was diagnosed in 2020, during the COVID pandemic at the age of 53 with Stage 2 hormone positive, HER2-negative Breast Cancer. Being diagnosed during a global pandemic, made her situation extremely difficult to navigate and made her feel isolated. Danielle thanks her incredible support team, consisting of her husband who was there for her every step of the way, her two kids and family and friends who coordinated a meal train to help throughout her entire treatment. Danielle’s treatment plan consisted of four cycles of AC Chemotherapy and Taxol every two weeks. She then had five weeks of radiation, five days a week followed by Lupron shots one year after. Danielle is a proud alumna of Adelphi University, class of 89’ and MA ’90. As a Garden City resident, she remembered seeing advertisements for the Adelphi Breast Cancer Program in the Garden City News. She called the hotline and spoke with Angela Papalia, LMSW who provided guidance and support. Danielle also found comfort in writing. She enrolled in MSK’s Visible Ink program which allows patients the opportunity to express themselves through writing. Her one piece of advice for others navigating a breast cancer diagnosis is that any writing helps.


Breast Cancer Survivor and
Pink Aid Advisory Council Member
Diagnosed 2003


Diana Mitchnick was diagnosed in 2003 at the age of 42 with Stage 0 Breast Cancer with a one-millimeter intra-ductal tumor. Her treatment plan involved a double mastectomy and reconstruction. Throughout Diana’s diagnosis, her husband and two young daughters were extremely supportive. Both friends and family were readily available throughout her journey and rallied around her. From a listening ear to concrete support all her loved ones helped in unique ways and were integral during her experience. At the time of Diana’s diagnosis, she did not know about the Adelphi Breast Cancer Program. However, through her critical work with Pink Aid Long Island as an Advisory Council Member, member of the Grants Committee, and Social Media Chairperson, she has become very connected to the Adelphi Breast Cancer Program. Over the years, Pink Aid has awarded our program continued funding, allowing us to offer bilingual social work services to the community. Diana attributes family, friends and a positive attitude in helping her get through her diagnosis. One piece of advice she would give someone going through a breast cancer diagnosis, is to speak to others who have been through it. Be open and share your experiences with others. Allow people to offer you help and provide support. Most importantly, stay positive as much as possible.

Breast Cancer Survivor and
Volunteer, Adelphi Breast Cancer Program

Diagnosed 2004


Lynne Borah was diagnosed in 2004 at the age of 55 with Stage 3 Breast Cancer involving 34 lymph nodes. She had a double mastectomy with reconstructive surgery involving tissue expanders followed by silicone breast implants. Her treatment plan involved a chemo port, 8 rounds of aggressive chemotherapy, 27 radiation treatments and 19 years of taking Letrozole which is an Aromatase Inhibitor. In 2019, due to complications with textured implants, she decided to replace hers with smooth breast implants. Lynne had an amazing support team consisting of her husband and mother who accompanied her to all of her doctor’s appointments and treatments. Her husband was instrumental in working with her doctors and treatment team to find the best course of action. Her family and friends, some of whom were receiving treatment or were short term survivors themselves, were always there for her. She also thanks all the wonderful doctors, nurses and their teams for their exceptional care. At the time of Lynne’s diagnosis, she did not know about the Adelphi Breast Cancer Program. However, she now volunteers with the program as a hotline volunteer and as a Peer Advisor. Lynne co-facilitates our Warriors Book Club with Nina Foley, LCSW, a group supporting people in the community impacted by Breast Cancer. Lynne attributes Spirituality, Reading and Meditation for helping her get through her diagnosis. Lynne’s one piece of advice for others navigating a breast cancer diagnosis is to never give up and to live your best life.

Thank you to our 2024 Celebration of Survivorship Sponsors


Neil Tanna, M.D., MBA

The Monday Canasta Mavens

Beverly, Iris, Carol, Marla,
Beverly, Bonnie, Carol & Shelley



The DeMatteis Family


Adee & Don Hendler


Karen Kostroff, MD




Follow Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Program at:          

For further information, please contact:

Breast Cancer Hotline and Support Program
p – 516.877.4320
e –

Support Hotline: 800.877.8077