by Sophia Conti
Like most parents, Alex Batista has always stressed the importance of doing well in school and getting into a good college to his kids. So in 2012, he re-enrolled in Adelphi’s University College to complete his bachelor’s degree in business. “I kept telling my kids how important college was, but what did I have to back that up?” Batista said.
Batista first enrolled at Adelphi in 2004, under a tuition assistance program offered by his then-employer, J.P. Morgan Chase. A lifelong resident of Queens and Long Island, he had been to the Garden City campus numerous times, and his friends who attended the school spoke highly of it. “I was always attracted to the campus,” he said. Batista would be the first in his family to get a college degree, and he chose to pursue it at Adelphi.
But life soon interfered with Batista’s plans to get his bachelor’s degree in business. After marrying a fellow Adelphi student in 2006, he devoted more time to work to support his family while his wife, completed her bachelor’s degree.
The flexibility and support of University College allowed Batista to continue working once he re-enrolled to complete his degree. He is currently a compliance manager at Bank Leumi in Manhattan, a job that requires the careful supervision of a staff of eight to ensure that the company adheres to rules and regulations.
“The courses I initially took at Adelphi helped me get the job at Leumi,” Batista said. “Even though I hadn’t finished my degree, it was enough to qualify me for the better position.”
University College professors have shown Batista a great deal of support and encouragement throughout his time here, particularly in accounting. “I couldn’t have done this without the professors,” Batista said. “University College has a great support staff for their students.” Professor Gregory Canell, a senior adjunct professor in the University College, has been particularly supportive in his instruction of both Conflict Management and Marketing Concepts classes.
Batista expects to graduate in December 2016, but he doesn’t plan on stopping there – he wants to pursue an MBA once his undergraduate degree is finished.
Batista’s experiences have even helped inspire his daughter, now a high school senior, to pursue a degree at Adelphi. She hopes to enroll as a freshman in the nursing program this fall.
Batista can’t emphasize enough how important Adelphi has been to him and his family. From helping him attain a better position in his field to encouraging his daughter to attend college, Adelphi has been a constant presence in many parts of Batista’s life.
“Adelphi University has had a huge impact on my family, my children, and on my career,” he said.
December 22, 2015
Marian Conway, Ph.D.
President's Gala
Dr. Marian Conway is the executive director for the New York Community Bank Foundation. She has been with the foundation since 2002.
Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director
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