
Hugo Salazar ’17 and ’18 on Mentorship, Inclusiveness and TESOL

News, Profile, Student

Hugo Salazar


May 3, 2017

Hugo Salazar ’17 and ’18 on Mentorship, Inclusiveness and TESOL


Hugo Salazar, a senior in the Scholar Teacher Education Program (STEP), has spent his time at Adelphi University developing his professional skills by mentoring his peers and participating in organizations that allow him to support and teach others. As a result, he has become an educator who upholds the core values of our program due to his work in creating inclusive communities.

Salazar began his path to becoming a mentor and educator in high school. In his junior year, he took an AP U.S. History course that inspired him to find his calling in the education field. His teacher assigned A People’s History of the United States, by Howard Zinn, as their summer reading assignment. Salazar was inspired by the way his teacher structured the rigorous AP course: teaching history from the point of view of those who had been marginalized and discriminated against. This teacher refused to present history from the perspective of the victors, and that made all the difference to Salazar.

Born to immigrant parents in Queens, Salazar is very motivated to work with students who are non-native English speakers. He’s keenly aware of the stigmas placed on TESOL students by their peers, who sometimes treat them as less intelligent because they struggle with learning language conventions. Salazar strives to work against this stigma, fostering students who are learning English, ensuring them that they are not alone on their journey, and that they can and will succeed with practice and dedication. As he developed an interest in fighting social injustices, as well as racial and cultural discrimination, Salazar attributes STEP faculty Devin Thornburg, Ph.D,  and Shilpi Sinha, Ph.D., for leading him down the right path. “They opened my eyes to that aspect, and helped me narrow in on what kind of teacher I want to be.”

Salazar is a Levermore Global Scholar, Political Science major, and History minor, currently in his senior year of the STEP Program, concentrating in Adolescence Education. He is a member of the fraternity Pi Lambda Phi, Fundraising Chair for the Future Teachers Association, a Commuter Assistant, Peer Assistant Leader, a member of multiple honor societies including those for Political Science and Greek life, and has been an Orientation Leader for three summers. He credits his active life in the Adelphi University social community for providing him with opportunities to practice public speaking and to connect with like-minded individuals.


For further information, please contact:

Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
p – 516.877.4100

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