

October 8, 2019

Students Bring Au Gold to Periodic Table of Elements

Did you know that this year marks the 150th anniversary of the periodic table of elements? And that the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2019 as the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT 2019)?

According to the International Year of the Periodic Table website, “The Periodic Table of Chemical Elements is one of the most significant achievements in science, capturing the essence not only of chemistry, but also of physics, medicine, earth sciences and biology.”

To celebrate this historic accomplishment, the New York section of the American Chemical Society (NY-ACS) is holding National Chemistry Week from October 20–October 26. To kick off the week, the organization—which consists of more than 4,000 members from over 50 organizations—will unveil a giant 3D periodic table in the New York Hall of Science in Corona, Queens, said Justyna Widera-Kalinowska, PhD, associate professor of chemistry and a 2019 chair of the NYACS.

Each element section of the giant table was created by a different organization. Appropriately, Adelphi University sponsored Au—the periodic table’s name for gold.

The design is a collaboration between twin sisters Stephanie Dulovic, a chemistry major, and Kristen Dulovic, who is majoring in graphic design.

“I would like to thank these students for making such a great effort to celebrate the IYPT 2019 International Year of the Periodic Table,” Dr. Widera-Kalinowska said. “This was also a great expression of their love for Adelphi—since Au is for gold—and a wonderful example of the collaboration between arts and sciences.”

The unveiling ceremony for the giant periodic table will take place on Friday, October 18, from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the New York Hall of Science. The event is free. Attendees will have a chance to meet:

  • Brook Gesser, JD, senior advisor of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, JD
  • Naureen Akhter, deputy district director for Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
  • Eminent scientists and teachers including James Wynne, PhD (LASIK); James McGroddy, PhD (Gunn effect in semiconductors); Lubomyr Romankiw, PhD (high density data storage); and Richard Goodman (ACS National Teaching Award Recipient)
  • Scientists, professors, high school teachers, college and high school students from the participating organizations

Learn more about the New York Hall of Science 3D periodic table and the International Year of the Periodic Table.


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